Jiaji Gong

Email: info.jiajigong@gmail.com Phone: +65 9183 7521 Chinese / PR / M


University of Essex, United Kingdom 2017 - July 2019

· Bachelor’s Degree of Computer Science (First Class Honours, Dean’s List, top 5%)

· Skills acquired: Application programming, Data structure & Algorithms, Computer game programming, Machine Learning, Neural Network, Information retrieval, Project management, Agile development.

· Proficient in Java, Python, HTML. Knowledge of C#, C++, Haskell, NumPy, HTTP, TCP/IP, RESTful, Spring Boot, MySQL, Git, Maven.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore 2011 – 2014


Rectitude Pte. Ltd. Singapore Software Engineer (Temporary) July 2019 – Present

· In charge of enterprise digitalization and transformation.

· Developed a membership software in Java during university term break in 2018 for Rectitude. The software registers the customers into the membership system, records individual’s purchase orders and accumulates the loyalty points. The data is synchronized between 6 branches. The software increases the recursive purchases noticeably, and the company has 200+ active members now.

· Write a series of web crawler in Python to collect product information from competitors’ websites, write Python scripts to process the data and upload to the company website. Reduce the workload from 30 days to 30 minutes.

· Developed an attendance system in Python that applied to all branch stores, the system successfully replaced the paper puncher machines. The software emails the records to the head office every month automatically. The system saves the cost of fingerprint puncher machines and the admin could import the data to the payroll system without manually input 500 lines of records.

· Learn to develop an inventory management web application made by Spring Boot and relative techniques.

Rectitude Pte. Ltd. Singapore Website developer 2015 - 2017

· Involved in website development, maintenance and marketing, including an e-commerce shopping site(dade.sg) and a company official website(rectitude.com.sg).

University Projects

· Final Year Project: 2D role-playing game made by Unity3d with C#, the game includes more than 10 features such as combat, inventory and quest. With augmented reality technology, the player can transfer real-world items into the game by simply scanning the item with a camera. The project is managed by modern tools such as Jira and Gitlab, the project adopts Scrum in the Agile development process to achieve the best result.

· Shakespeare literature search engine: A python program that handling a large amount of data in JSON format, index the data, process the data through the pipeline, then search which Shakespeare play contains the keyword. Comparing to Elasticsearch, the mean average precision of this program is 0.99. The program received the only full mark.

· Group Project: UK weather report visualization / File manager: A total of 12 months Java project that simulated the real work developing environment, my contribution includes writing Software Requirements Specification, negotiate with the client, time management, produce Gantt chart, risk management, CSV data handling and code review. The project adopts effective developing methodologies such as Extreme programming, pair programming, Test Driven Development and refectory. The group uses the version control system (SVN) to manage the code, ticketing system to track the issues, and uses wiki page to record documents.